Agriculture & Livestock
The driving force behind commercial agriculture
in Papua New Guinea has always been the
export crops. This trend will no doubt continue
to dominate the development of the sector
in the future.
At present, more than 90 per cent of the
value of agriculture export comes from four
crops - coffee, cocoa, oil palm and kernels,
and coconuts (copra). Other export commodities
include tea, cardamom, rubber, chillies
and pyrethrum.
There is considerable potential for the
expansion and development of many more crops
for export, including the export of fresh
fruit and vegetables and processed products.
The Government is keen to see innovation
in agricultural and livestock projects.
It is committed to improving the country's
infrastructure. Major reforms in fiscal
and trade policies are expected to induce
an upsurge in investor interest in the agricultural
Papua New Guinea has extremely fertile
soil and a climate which is ideal for agricultural
ventures, particularly in the Highlands,
coastal and island regions.
Rural dwellers already form the largest
component in agricultural activity with
subsistence farming. Food for consumption
is only part of the total production in
subsistence production. Rather more, it
produces all the needs of the household
such as housing materials, ceremonial goods,
fuel, containers and animal feed.
Investors will find rural communities ready
and willing to grow crops for supply to
markets or processing factories. Assistance
in technology and management procedures
for commercial enterprises would however
be necessary.
At present, most of Papua New Guinea's
small scale agricultural production is consumed
by the domestic market. The main goods produced
include a wide variety of fruit and vegetables,
meats and smallgoods, eggs, tobacco, grains
and sugar. The value of fruits and vegetable
sales is about K100 million a year. Other
marketed products total about the same amount.
The continued development of small scale
commercial agriculture is crucial to any
expansion of employment. Twenty per cent
of the wage-earning households are in the
non-village rural sector.
Quality control procedures for exports
are being addressed through the country's
National Institute of Standards and Industrial
Technology (NISIT). New ventures can rely
upon the assistance of the Institute for
research and development and technology
transfer information and assistance.
Export Commodities
Arabica coffee is Papua New Guinea's most
important crop, both in terms of foreign
exchange and its contribution to income
and employment. Pioneered by estates, coffee
is now primarily a smallholder crop (nearly
70% of production comes from more than 250,000
villages households), and is concentrated
in the Highlands region, where coffee is
the predominant source of cash income. Nearly
half of all the village households grow
coffee. Among smallholders there is a greater
potential for increasing yields and raising
farm incomes. There is considerable scope
for expansion.
After coffee, cocoa is Papua New Guinea's
second most important agricultural export
crop. Existing plantings are highly concentrated
geographically in the islands region. But
many other areas in the country are highly
suitable for cocoa production. Smallholder
production has been increasing by about
5 per cent a year over the last 10 years,
and the 70,000 producers now account for
70% of total output. Estate production has
fallen steadily since 1975, mainly because
of disease, but this trend has now been
reversed and estates are rapidly replanting
with high yielding and more disease resistant
The introduction of high-yielding hybrids
has greatly improved the projects in Papua
New Guinea, and the country remains a competitive
producer, even at low prices. Early results
from their use are showing yields up to
2 tonnes per hectare while research continues
to develop new varieties with even greater
yield potential.
The prospects for cocoa look good. In the
longer term, the potential for further expansion
is excellent, particularly through a further
increase in smallholder productivity and
a major expansion in upstream processing.
The coconut tree has a long history in Papua
New Guinea and was an important source of
food and other products long before other
tree crops were introduced into the country.
In recent years, estate production has declined,
but coconut continues to be a staple crop
for over 100,000 smallholders, who now produce
about 60% of national output. About 20%
of production is consumed domestically.
The traditional tall coconut continues to
be an important source of food and cash
income for smallholders, particularly in
the coastal provinces. Returns are low,
but so are production costs, and the coconut
is so entrenched in the coastal farming
system that it will still be produced regardless
of copra prices.
The production of coconuts, in pure stands,
as cash crops, is experiencing a period
of adjustment. More than two thirds of coconuts
are now interplanted with cocoa, and this
system offers the best prospects for future
growth. Coconuts (whether hybrids or tall)
provide the necessary shade for cocoa needs,
share costs of cultivation, and provide
useful supplemented income. Thus, by inter-cropping
the cost of production of both crops are
reduced, and a good return can be earned.
Oil Palm
Although it was introduced only 20 years
ago, oil palm is now the third most important
agricultural export and is growing rapidly.
It is expected that in the not too distant
future, oil palm will rival coffee in importance.
There are now several major nucleus estate/smallholder
(NES) schemes in production in Papua New
Guinea. Production is almost equally divided
between estates and smallholders. The potential
for further development is impressive.
Papua New Guinea is estimated to have a
strong competitive advantage over most major
producers. Estate yields are among the highest
in the world, and as a late starter, Papua
New Guinea has the advantage of modern mills
and marketing facilities and high-quality
planting materials. While smallholder yields
are lower than estates, oil palm offers
a much higher income and a higher return
to labor than any other major crop. Apart
from the benefit enjoyed by the producers
themselves, the NES have a market developmental
impact in the regions in which they are
located, partially because of the services
and utilities that have been associated
with them.
In terms of soil and climate rubber has
as good a potential as oil palm in Papua
New Guinea. A large expansion program could
be very attractive, particularly in helping
to diversify production and offering an
important source of income and employment
to areas not suitable for other major export
crops. Papua New Guinea has recently witnessed
a renewed level of investment activity in
rubber projects and the trend is expected
to continue in the medium term.
There are some rubber projects currently
in Papua New Guinea which operate efficiently
and profitably. Some are seeking joint venture
partners to realise their expansion plans.
Interested investors should make further
enquiries with the Government to obtain
more details.
Other Export Crops
Compared with the four major export commodities
and rubber, the potential for other agricultural
developments is equally as exciting. The
major prospects lie in the expansion of
production of tea, cardamom, chillies and
pyrethrum, among others, as well as the
great number of varieties of tropical fruits
and vegetables to cater for the rapidly
growing Asian market.
Potential investment opportunities in the
agriculture sector can be obtained through
the Agricultural Sector Manual and the project
profiles being promoted by the Investment
Promotion Authority.